Welcome to the Hawaiʻi State Teachers Association website2024-09-19T08:09:32-10:00

Calendar of Events

Calendar of Events

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HSTA Teacher Institute Day (Neighbor Island Chapters)

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HSTA Teacher Institute Day (Oahu Chapters)

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Inspired By Excellence & Innovation

United in the pursuit of excellence for Hawaiʻi’s public schools.

What does HSTA do?

The Hawaiʻi State Teachers Association is the exclusive representative of 13,000+ public school teachers statewide. As the state affiliate of the 3-million member National Education Association, HSTA represents and supports teachers in collective bargaining, as well as with legislative and professional development issues.

For HSTA, it is about more than getting a better deal for teachers – it’s about putting teachers in the driver’s seat, where they have a chance to make education better.

Join more than 13,000 of Hawaiʻi’s finest educators to create the schools our keiki deserve

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