In response to the ongoing coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, Congress has passed, and continues to craft, legislation to support local communities across the nation, including small businesses, schools, and families.
- The Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) — March 18, 2020
- The Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act — March 27, 2020
Here's a look at how these relief packages can help you in a number of key areas.
Personal finance
From student debt to taxes to monthly bills, coronavirus is affecting your finances. NEA Member Benefits offers this roundup to help you find the information you need now. Read more >>
Public education, college debt, and more
The National Education Association compiled several informational sheets with frequently asked questions to explain different elements of the CARES Act.
- CARE Act payments
- Education Stabilization Fund
- Student loans
- Unemployment insurance
- ESSA waivers
- School meals
Webinar: What the COVID-19 relief law means to student loan borrowers
Educators have been burdened by student debt for far too long, and the COVID-19 crisis risks making that debt even more burdensome. On Tuesday, April 7, the NEA hosted a webinar to explain:
- Details on the student loan provisions in the CARES Act;
- What it means for you and what you should be thinking about doing with your student loans during the suspension period;
- The support available through NEA Member Benefits to help members manage their loans; and
- What you can do to fight for broader suspension and cancellation of your loans.
Hawaii residents, educators
Federal resources available to Hawaii residents
The Office of U.S. Sen. Brian Schatz offers this web page for Hawaii families and businesses with information on how to access federal resources during this public health emergency. Topics include direct cash payments, individual health resources, tax relief, emergency paid leave, and more. Read more >>
Education Stabilization Fund
The Office of U.S. Sen. Brian Schatz prepared this fact sheet to explain how the CARES Act helps Hawaii’s K–12 education system. Read more >>
HIDOE memo on the Families First Coronavirus Response Act
The FFCRA provides employees with paid sick leave and expanded family and medical leave for specified reasons related to COVID-19. The provisions are effective April 1, 2020, and apply to leave taken from April 1, 2020 through Dec. 31, 2020. Read more >>