42 events found.
Kona Chapter Executive Board Meeting 4:30pm to 5:30pm Kealakehe Intermediate Library
In person meeting at the HSTA office. For questions, contact Windward Chapter President, Jodi Beaty at jodihsta@gmail.com
Geared for members nearing retirement age, we will focus on getting ready for retirement. We will delve into theState of Hawaii ERS pension and Social Security benefits. In addition, we will also be covering retirement projections, various investment vehicles, the importance of the catch-up provision for those over 50 years old, your risk tolerance as you prepare to retire, and long-term care insurance. To register, click here.
With the new compression pay raise, many teachers could potentially be moving into a higher tax bracket. What are some different options for that pay raise? We will be discussing advanced planning concepts such as Supplemental Leveraged Retirement plans and Hybrid LTC plans. To register, click here.
Why does the Social Security filing decision matter? How can you manage the Social Security decision and determine the right filing strategy and age? How can you integrate the Social Security decision into a comprehensive retirement plan? We will be covering the basics and rules behind Social Security so you can maximize your Social Security benefit. To register, click here.
Maui Chapter Representative Assembly (RA) Meeting - In person Baldwin High Multi-Purpose Room Tuesday, August 20, 2024 3:30-5:30 PM
Learn about the different types of 403b’s offered in the State of Hawaii Department of Education including the recently added Roth option. We will also cover the differences between strategic and tactical money management. In addition, you will learn about the questions you should be asking of your financial advisor. To register, click here.