The following information is provided by the Hawaii State Department of Education:

The Office of Hawaiian Education (OHE) is committed to grounding education in Hawaiian ways of knowing so that all of Hawai'i may thrive. To that end we have partnered with the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, College of Education (UHM-COE) through the initiative Aupuni Palapala to engage in a multi-faceted approach to professional development. Dr. Eōmailani Kukahiko, Specialist for UHM-COE, is the project manager and main point of contact. Aupuni Palapala shall embrace a flexible learning mindset and provide opportunities for classroom teachers to share their expertise and engage in broader learning communities with peers on content knowledge, skills and dispositions focused in the areas of Hawaiian language, culture, and history in education. These knowledge areas are critical in these trying times. Below you will find a brief description of the types of learning opportunities that will be available along with a link to instructions on how to register. Please sign up for weekly emails for more information on Professional Development (PD) opportunities at

PD opportunities

Workshops (online on Zoom)

A series of online Aupuni Palapala sponsored workshops have been scheduled for the School Year (SY) 2020-2021. Please select from the opportunities on the list at this link Please also refer to Attachment A for further details regarding the workshops, registration process and compensation. Additional workshop conference opportunities will be added to this list as new workshops are added and confirmed in these changing times. This information will also be included in our weekly email newsletter.

Aupuni Palapala Fellowship

We are also pleased to announce an Aupuni Palapala Fellowship for SY 2020-2021. A finite amount of funding is available to support conference attendance and/or credit courses. We also recognized that shift to online instruction has also presented some unprecedented opportunities for teachers to attend local, national and international conferences online. This fellowship opportunity allows teachers (kumu) access to professional conferences that will increase their ability to include Hawaiian language, culture and history competencies and/or allow you to present your own classroom practice relative to Hawaiian education (maximum award annually $500). We are also pleased to offer kumu support in taking credit courses related to Hawaiian education (not already covered by other funding sources, maximum award $1,000).

All successful applicants will be required to attend two, two-hour online (Zoom) sessions in the semester of the award, these sessions will allow us to further understand how this opportunity is impacting your ability to increase in content knowledge, skills and disposition focused in the area of Hawaiian language, culture, and history in education and learning impact on students.

Please refer to Attachment B for further details regarding the process for obtaining support to attend conferences and take credit courses. To submit an application go to All applications will be reviewed and will need to demonstrate a strong connection to Hawaiian language, culture, and history competencies and/or allow you to present your own classroom practice relative to Hawaiian education.

Should you have any questions, please contact Stacy Prellberg, Junior Specialist for UHM-COE at and Eōmailani Kukahiko, Specialist for UHM-COE, at