Many members have been reaching out to HSTA to inquire about the new HSTA VEBA Trust calendar/planner.
Previously, calendars were provided to all HSTA members. This year, however, the 2020–22 calendars were a benefit for HSTA VEBA Trust plan participants only.
HSTA VEBA Trust offers incredible group rates that allow members to save as much as 75-percent off market rates on health and wellness benefits for themselves and their families. Plus, receive completely subsidized long-term care base plan coverage when you enroll in another HSTA VEBA Trust plan.
Fortunately, it’s not too late to become an HSTA VEBA Trust participant. Life insurance premiums start as low as $1.50 per month.
New members can sign up within the first 60 days of membership for guaranteed coverage for all HSTA VEBA Trust plans without having to fill out medical forms.
For more information, please call the HSTA VEBA Trust office at (808) 440-6940 or 1-800-637-4926 or email
Please note, enrollment in the VB Medical with EUTF does not qualify since this plan is not administered by the HSTA VEBA Trust.