The Hawaii State Teachers Association filed on Aug. 17 a class grievance regarding health and safety on school campuses. We will continue to pursue that grievance and keep members updated.
In addition, we have been asked by members how they could file complaints with the state of Hawaii Occupational Safety and Health Division (HIOSH). The following is provided for informational purposes and should not be considered individual consultation or advice.
If you have concerns about your individual work environment, you should always contact your HSTA school level leaders and/or UniServ Director for consultation.
If your individual situation or school has specific circumstances in which there is an unsafe, or unhealthful condition, in addition to pursuing a grievance (see HSTA Contract Article X. Teacher Protection, Section B), you have the right as an employee to file a confidential complaint with HIOSH and ask for an inspection.
Ideally, HIOSH wants an employee to bring the unsafe conditions to their supervisors’ attention in advance of filing a complaint. To file a complaint with HIOSH, employees can call (808) 586-9092 or email
HSTA also suggests you review this HIOSH COVID-19 reference sheet.
Related Link: COVID-19 resources for employees