Our list reflects candidates committed to building a better future for our keiki
Posted: June 15, 2024
The Hawaiʻi State Teachers Association recommends candidates who are strong supporters of public education, educators, and labor, and are committed to creating a better future for our keiki.
Voting these candidates into office ensures we have allies who will champion public education, working families, and our freedom to teach and learn. Protect the rights of our students, our fellow educators, and our families by casting your vote in this year’s primary and general elections.
Here’s everything you need to know.
Get ready to vote!
The primary election takes place Saturday, Aug. 10, and the general election takes place Tuesday, Nov. 5. In Hawaiʻi, elections are conducted by mail. All registered voters automatically receive their ballot in the mail approximately 18 days prior to the election. Return your voted ballot by mail (be mindful of USPS delivery times) or in person at a ballot drop box within your county. Voted ballots must be received by your County Elections Division by 7 p.m. on Election Day to be counted. Limited voting service centers will be open 10 days prior and on Election Day for same-day registration and in-person voting.
Learn more from the Office of Elections:
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Watch: HSTA’s recommendation process explained
HSTA Recommended Candidates
As a state affiliate of the National Education Association, the HSTA supports the NEA’s recommendation of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris as the Democratic nominees for re-election. Biden has proven to be the most pro–public education and pro-union president in modern history whose actions include expanding access to free school breakfast and lunch, providing $167 billion in debt relief for 4.75 million borrowers, and addressing mental health parity and care.
The HSTA and NEA also jointly recommend candidates looking to represent Hawaiʻi at the national level. Learn more here.
For the following races, HSTA invited recommended candidates to submit a brief statement describing their accomplishments and/or reasons for running for office. Expand on a candidate to view their submission.
Hawaiʻi Senate
Thank you for considering a recommendation of my candidacy to the Hawai’i State Senate. As the Senator for District 1, serving Hilo to Pepe’ekeo, I have consistently supported funding for the Department of Education, especially important to the welfare of rural communities.
I firmly believe in the uplifting power of education, not just for the children in my district, but in the entire state system. I have advocated for and secured considerable funding for more classrooms and infrastructure improvements to provide a better working environment for teachers and a better learning environment for students. I also recognize the importance of equitable pay, opportunities for professinal development and other benefits critical for the recruitment and retention of our teachers.
It is my desire to continue playing a pivotal role in shaping policies and initiatives to help pave the way for a bright future for both our students and teachers.
I am always concerned about funding and support for our schools. Making sure our students are getting the materials and programs they need to thrive and that our teachers have the support they need to assist our students is a top priority of mine. That is why I focus on CIP funds for our HiDOE schools and for our Kaiapuni programs for the schools across the state.
I am committed and willing to work with EVERYONE in our communities to ensure a better future for all of Hawaiʻi Nei.
Successfully lobbied the Hawaii State Legislator’s for the film tax credit from its infancy for the 10+ years.
Successfully lobbied Linda Lingle to veto a cut to the film tax credit bill passed by the State Legislature.
As a current member of the Oahu Island Burial Council, I was successful in sharing counsel to descendants of the Mokapu Iwi reburial project, on how to proceed on military lands. They were successful after 20 years of negotiations to get what, where, how the iwi is to be reinterred and the military pays for it.
Sorry, this is on my phone as I am on the road.
Respectfully submitted,
Ben Shafer
52.210 Kamehameha Highway
Hauula, Hawaii 96717
Hawaiʻi House
For the last eight years, I have worked hand in hand with Hawaiʻi Island residents as a Member of the Hawaiʻi County Council. Before joining the Council, I accumulated 25 years of experience in land use development, environmental permits, and long-range community planning.
Nestled in a culturally rich community, Hilo is the economic and educational center for East Hawaii. It is an ideal place for working families raising the next generation and caring for our kupuna.
I look forward to representing everyone on issues like the economy, education, and healthy environments that serve all, especially our local families. I humbly ask that you Vote for Lee Loy, House District 2.
Reducing the cost of living, supporting affordable housing, public education, public safety and environmental protection, and reducing wildfire risk were top priorities this past session. To address these, we significantly reduced income taxes, exempted Medicare, Medicaid and Tricare-funded medical and dental care from GET, increased the supply of affordable housing and reduced wildfire risk. I also secured funds for the new Waikoloa Library, expand North Kohala healthcare facilities, repair Kawaihae North Small Boat Harbor, replace Waiaka Bridge, and improve Waimea’s roads. There’s more work to do and I ask for your vote so I can continue this work.
We must all together stand up and fight for our community, and never allow opponents to be elected who will vote against food for students, against pay raises for teachers and other union members, and give anything less than 100% effort to supporting teachers, unions and education.
You deserve a Representative who refuses all corporate and lobbyist money and is #WorkingForThePeople, one like me who has stood up and vocally supported and voted for every single education and teacher bill, obtained affordable workforce teacher housing, CIP school improvement funds, new DOE positions and 100% consistently supported pay and step increases for all teachers.
Representative Terez Amato (T.Amato)
On the Kaua’i County Council, I passed dozens of bills related to affordable housing, including legislation eliminating permitting fees for Additional Rental Units, allocating 2% of property tax revenue towards affordable housing, and providing over $1 million in annual rebates for cesspool conversion.
In the legislature, I passed significant statewide zoning reform bills, aiming to make it easier for families to build multigenerational housing, reduce permitting fees, legalize residential development in all commercial areas, and facilitate the conversion of commercial buildings to residential.
I am also a product of Hawaii’s public school system. I went to Kaahumanu Elementary, Washington Intermediate, and McKinley HS.
I believe I can continue to get things done for our community and our State. I understand the concerns of the people who live in House District 25 with me and know that they want safe communities, opportunities, and a good quality of life.
I believe it is important to stay connected in our community and I have had a great opportunity for the past couple years to work as a Community Outreach specialist at Palama Settlement where I truly am able to engage with our keiki who are most in need on a daily basis.
It has truly been an honor and a privilege to represent my community in the legislature and humbly ask for your support.
My legislative accomplishments include authoring laws for State assistance to family caregivers (the first in the nation), creation of the corrections oversight commission to improve prisons and jails, and reduction of illegal aerial fireworks through a State task force.
I am especially proud of helping secure more than $60 million for improvements to Pearl City schools for new classrooms, modern education technology and air-conditioning. With support of the HSTA, I hope to continue my advocacy for education.
I have also helped increase State funding for senior programs that enable frail elderly to live safely at home, with delivered meals, home care services and transportation.
As Vice Chair of the House Economic Development Committee, I have championed initiatives benefiting working families, such as increases in the Earned Income Tax Credit, Food Excise Tax Credit, and Childcare Tax Credit. I also worked on reducing income taxes, increasing payments for community-based care homes, and addressing period poverty in our state. If re-elected, I am committed to continuing to drive positive changes that support our community and working families.
Mahalo for your support.
Hawaiʻi cannot afford to lose our local families for better opportunities elsewhere. Each time our keiki leaves our islands, we lose the promise of our community’s future. When our kupuna leave Hawaiʻi, we lose our roots, cultural wisdom, and our shared history. I am committed to our community and will fight to bring opportunities to our state to empower our keiki and families for a brighter future. With your vote and support, I will work tirelessly to ensure Central Oʻahu remains and will continue to be a safe and desirable place we proudly call home.
I am seeking re-election to continue serving the community and to continue projects I have started in my district, specially the Capital Improvement Projects I secured funding for James Campbell High School on going construction of the track and field and girl’s locker room; Ilima Elementary School planning and design for parking lot; Pohakea Elementary for the reconstruction of the fence and parking lot; Holomua Elementary for the planning and design for classroom and Iroquois construction of the fence and sewer system.
Having healthy relationship with city and county departments, I was able to provide solutions to my constituents concerns.
Our communities struggle with grueling traffic, unaffordable housing, crime, disappearing jobs, aging and climate-vulnerable infrastructure, and underfunded education. Addressing these means building a place for local families by addressing food security; expanding shoreline parks and protecting watersheds; repairing infrastructure; finishing Honolulu Rail; and funding OHA and DHHL as part of a statewide solution for affordable housing.
Together, we can leave Hawaiʻi better for future generations. Mahalo.
I pride myself as an independent-minded legislator who always fights for our community’s best interests. In my first term, I passed legislation promoting government transparency, securing funding for Alzheimer’s support, expediting Maui’s recovery, reducing consumer costs, and ending predatory towing practices.
I’ve demonstrated leadership as Vice Chair of the House Committee on Transportation, member of the Housing and Finance Committees, Co-Chair of the Wildfire Prevention Working Group, Chair of the Oʻahu Metropolitan Planning Organization, and member of the Hawai’i Interagency Council on Homelessness.
If re-elected, I’ll uphold open accessibility, community engagement, public safety enhancement, infrastructure improvement, advocacy for our kūpuna, and support for our youth and schools.
In 2020, the union started to make select recommendations at the county level with the understanding that county decisions can impact education, and all leaders should prioritize our keiki and our families.
Honolulu City Council
In 2002, Scott began his career of public service when he was first elected to the Hawaii State House of Representatives. For the past 22 years, he has delivered results and needed resources to the community in this capacity. In the last 10 years alone, Scott has helped to secure more than $260 million to support community groups and provide funding for a variety of projects, including a new auditorium at Kaimuki High, athletic field improvements at McKinley High, and a new band room at Washington Middle.