Teachers can submit creative project plans through July 2
Posted: March 25, 2021
Applications are now being accepted for the Public Schools of Hawaii Foundation (PSHF) Good Idea Grant (GIG) program for the upcoming 2021–22 school year. Educators, or teams of teachers, can submit their ideas for creative classroom projects — the more innovative and engaging for students, the better. In exchange, educators have the chance to receive a mini grant of up to $3,000 to bring their lesson plans to life.
Since 1990, the GIG program has awarded $4.8 million in grant funds to educators to help them engage and inspire their students. The PSHF wants to help students succeed during this pandemic while giving teachers the opportunity and funds to be creative and have fun with their lessons.
First-time applications are given priority consideration, so don’t hesitate to apply. The program is open now through July 2 and if a GIG application is approved, teachers will be notified by July 25. Checks will be mailed directly to educators.
For more information, contact HIDOE Educational Specialist Judy Nagasako at judy.nagasako@k12.hi.us or call (808) 305-0693.