Are you seeing or struggling with escalating student behavior?
Do you have to deal with a student who resorts to violence, yelling or swearing, bullying or cyberbullying, disobedience, highly disruptive or unmanageable behavior, or cutting class?
The Hawaii State Teachers Association wants to hear from you.
We're hosting a brief survey so we can better understand and focus on the nature and extent of your concerns.
HSTA will use these results to work collaboratively with the Department and Board of Education on solutions for school-level support to improve student discipline.
The primary audience for this survey is classroom teachers, however we appreciate and value any comments non-classroom teachers can share on this issue.
Your responses will be kept confidential. Results will only be reported in aggregate, and no identifiable information will be released.
Take the survey here.
The survey will be open through Friday, April 5. If you have questions, please email Ray Camacho at