Presented by the HSTA Human and Civil Rights Committee
Updated: November 15, 2021
On Nov. 13, 2021, HSTA’s Human and Civil Rights (HCR) Committee presented Transgender 101 for Educators, a two-hour session that explores ways educators and allies can build strong communities that support our transgender youth.
Learn how to support your students by understanding key terms, the importance of pronouns, the difference between gender identity and sexuality, and Hawaii State Department of Education guidance.
“It is very important for us as educators to create schools that are safe for all students, especially our transgender youth, who are at higher risk for dropouts, substance abuse and suicide attempts,” said Kaleo Ramos, an HSTA HCR Committee member and transgender youth advocate.
Did you know? Transgender Awareness Week is observed November 13 to 19. This one-week celebration leads up to the Transgender Day of Remembrance, which falls on November 20 and memorializes victims of transphobic violence.
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Max’s story
Max Waterman is a 20-year-old transgender man who came out when he was 17 years old as a student on Hawaii Island.
“Being trans is by no means a monolithic experience, but I’m hoping that by sharing my own story, I could help the schools in their understanding and treatment of transgender and queer students,” he said.
“When you’re 17, like I was, the world is a big and scary place,” he said. “Everyone is always watching, always scrutinizing, who think you’re doing your own life wrong. This never truly goes away, but you learn to adapt, to overcome, and most importantly, you learn that the only voice that matters is your own.”
Presentation materials