Every year, the Hawaii State Teachers Association holds elections at the state and chapter levels to fill the following positions: state-level officers and directors, NEA directors, NEA RA delegates, state convention delegates, chapter officers, and chapter RA members.

Open positions are determined by term fulfillment or vacancies, and will vary by year and chapter.

Here is an overview of how the process works:


  • Now–Jan. 24: Absentee ballot requests accepted
  • Jan. 23: Nominations open for all chapters, except Lanai
  • Jan. 24: Nominations open for Lanai
  • Jan. 31: All nominations close
  • Feb. 3: Absentee ballots mailed per request
  • Feb. 14: Last day for absentee ballots to be returned or postmarked
  • Feb. 7–14: Voting at Institute Day (varies by chapter)
  • Feb. 22: Ballots are counted (observers welcome), Elections Committee verifies results
  • Feb. 23–March 6: Chapter executive boards certify chapter results, HSTA Board of Directors certifies state results
  • May 2: HSTA Convention ratifies the HSTA Board of Directors

How to find HSTA elections information

You must be logged into HSTA.org with your registered account. If you do not have an account, you can register for one here.

Navigate to our elections page: About Us > Committees > Elections or use this shortcut: bit.ly/hstaelections.

You'll find information such as duties of elected positions, voting and campaign procedures, chapter-specific nomination packets, and state election forms.

Absentee voting

While voting officially takes place on Institute Day and attendance is expected, some members prefer the convenience of absentee voting. You can request an absentee ballot by filling out this form. Ballots will be mailed on Feb. 3 and must be returned or postmarked by Feb. 14. Once an absentee ballot has been issued, you will not be issued a ballot at your voting site.

Run for a leadership position

Want to make a difference? Want to help steer the direction of your chapter and your association? Looking for an opportunity to advocate for your students, school and the profession? Serving in a leadership position for HSTA is an amazing opportunity to get involved, make your voice heard, and see first-hand the difference you can make. If you've never run for a leadership position before, here are a few ideas.

HSTA Convention delegate: Delegates must attend the HSTA Convention on Saturday, May 2, at the Hawaii Convention Center. Duties include voting on amendments to the HSTA Bylaws and HSTA Articles of Incorporation, and adopting policies (Resolutions) and actions (NBIs) of the Association.

NEA RA delegate: Delegates must attend the NEA Annual Meeting July 2–6 in Atlanta. Be a part of the Hawaii delegation and join more than 8,000 national delegates to elect the NEA officers and executive committee, establish NEA dues, adopt the NEA budget, and set the direction for the NEA.

Please refer to your chapter-specific nomination packet for more information.