Frequently asked questions about HSTA’s 2023–2027 tentative agreement
Frequently asked questions about the tentative agreement HSTA reached with the employer on April 14, 2023, for the 2023-2027 contract.
Terri Inefuku2023-05-26T11:29:36-10:00May 26, 2023|Categories: Negotiations, News|Tags: 21 hours, across the board, bargaining, Career and Technical Education, Class VIII, collective bargaining agreement, compression, contract, English learners, FAQ, frequently asked questions, Hawaiian education, HSTA Negotiations Team, Negotiations, pay raise, salary structure, student discipline, supplementary pay, Teacher Assignment and Transfer Program, teacher protections, teacher working conditions|
Frequently asked questions about the tentative agreement HSTA reached with the employer on April 14, 2023, for the 2023-2027 contract.
Terri Inefuku2023-04-27T10:40:45-10:00April 24, 2023|Categories: Negotiations, News|Tags: 21 hours, across the board, bargaining, Career and Technical Education, Class VIII, collective bargaining agreement, compression, contract, English learners, Hawaiian education, HSTA Negotiations Team, Negotiations, pay raise, salary structure, student discipline, supplementary pay, Teacher Assignment and Transfer Program, teacher protections, teacher working conditions|
The Hawaiʻi State Teachers Association is pleased to announce that we reached a tentative settlement late Friday with the State of Hawaiʻi and the Board of Education for a new four-year contract from July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2027.
Jill Meinecke2023-03-31T13:55:26-10:00March 31, 2023|Categories: News|Tags: 21 hours, charter schools, compression, Compression repricing, Hawaii public charter school commission i, public charter schools, shortage differentials, State Budget & Finance|
The Hawaiʻi State Teachers Association is happy to report that after many months of working with the Hawaiʻi Public Charter School Commission, State Budget and Finance, and individual public charter schools, funding for public charter schools has been released to cover costs from compression repricing, 21-hours, and shortage differentials.
Terri Inefuku2023-01-05T09:41:25-10:00November 10, 2022|Categories: News|Tags: 21 hours, budget, governor, legislature, professional development, salary compression, shortage differentials, teacher pay|
The HIDOE is reviewing the salary and work history of the entire teacher workforce to determine which teachers are eligible for upward movements on the salary scale. HIDOE expects to issue new personnel action forms (known as Form 5s) on Oct. 26.
Jill Meinecke2022-09-13T09:07:13-10:00August 3, 2022|Categories: News|Tags: 21 hours, Board of Education, Bruce Voss, Gov. Ige, hawaii state legislature, HIDOE, job embedded PD, professional development|
The Hawaii State Teachers Association this week reached an agreement with Schools Superintendent Keith Hayashi and Gov. David Ige to restore 21 hours of job-embedded professional development (PD), including both the return of the paid time and three PD credits.
Evan Kumasaki2022-07-29T09:24:30-10:00July 29, 2022|Categories: News|Tags: 21 hours, Know Your Rights, professional development|
Lots of PD questions come up at the end of the school year. Find answers here.
Terri Inefuku2022-07-08T17:45:26-10:00July 8, 2022|Categories: News|Tags: 21 hours, budget, compression, David Ige, differentials, governor, job-embedded professional development, professional development, shortage differentials|
Gov. David Ige signed into law the state budget Thursday that includes more than $164 million to end salary compression for experienced educators, fund shortage differentials, and restore paid job-embedded professional development for all teachers.
Terri Inefuku2022-06-28T12:03:53-10:00June 28, 2022|Categories: Negotiations, News|Tags: 21 hours, bargaining, compression, education, gov. david ige, governor, job-embedded professional development, legislature, Negotiations, paycheck, salary compression, shortage differentials, state budget, supplemental bargaining, teacher pay, veto|
While the state budget bill is on the governor’s intent to veto list for line item vetoes, the governor confirmed to HSTA that none of the teacher compensation items will be line-item vetoed.
Jill Meinecke2022-05-06T02:01:49-10:00May 5, 2022|Categories: News|Tags: 21 hours, compression, differentials, gov. david ige, hawaii state legislature, House, michelle kidani, pre-K, Senate, shortage differentials, Sylvia Luke|
At a press conference on Thursday, Gov. David Ige affirmed his support for additional teacher pay after the state budget, which included $164 million for increasing teacher pay, passed both the House and Senate Tuesday.
Jill Meinecke2022-05-06T11:38:43-10:00May 3, 2022|Categories: News|Tags: 21 hours, compression, contract, Donovan Dela Cruz, funding, gov. david ige, hawaii state legislature, HIDOE, House, lawmakers, Negotiations, Senate, shortage differentials, state budget, Sylvia Luke|
State lawmakers Tuesday approved a state budget that includes more than $164 million to end salary compression for experienced educators, fund shortage differentials, and restore paid job-embedded professional development for all teachers.