HSTA: HIDOE needs to clearly explain school reopening plan
The HSTA Negotiations Team meets for an hour and a half with top HIDOE officials Monday to begin detailed bargaining about reopening schools.
Evan Kumasaki2020-06-20T04:56:00-10:00June 20, 2020|Categories: News|Tags: Andrea Eshelman, capitol, catherine payne, CDC, christina kishimoto, Corey Rosenlee, coronavirus, COVID-19, DOH, Dwight Takeno, educators, health, HIOSH, legislature, Maggie Cox, parents, plans, reopen, reopening, representatives, safety, schools, SPED, survey, teachers, testimony|
The HSTA Negotiations Team meets for an hour and a half with top HIDOE officials Monday to begin detailed bargaining about reopening schools.
Evan Kumasaki2020-05-15T11:41:00-10:00May 15, 2020|Categories: News|Tags: aid, capitol, congress, Corey Rosenlee, coronavirus, COVID-19, cuts, David Ige, federal assistance, Hawaii, Lily Eskelsen Garcia. Kamala Harris, Ohio, pay cuts, proposal, reductions, representatives, Senate, state aid, trillion|
HSTA President Corey Rosenlee told a National Education Association tele-town hall audience Thursday about the HSTA’s successful efforts to fight a proposal that would have cut the pay of teachers and other state workers in the islands.
Evan Kumasaki2020-05-14T08:07:00-10:00May 14, 2020|Categories: News|Tags: aid, capitol, congress, coronavirus, COVID-19, cuts, deductions, digital divide, federal assistance, NEA, package, pay cuts, proposal, reductions, representatives, schools, Senate, state aid, student loans, trillion|
Here is a breakdown of key education-related proposals in the House Democrats' $3 trillion package advocated by the National Education Association.
Evan Kumasaki2020-05-13T14:25:00-10:00May 13, 2020|Categories: News|Tags: aid, capitol, congress, Corey Rosenlee, coronavirus, COVID-19, cuts, David Ige, federal assistance, pay cuts, proposal, reductions, representatives, Senate, state aid, trillion|
“There is no immediate need to consider pay cuts or furloughs. This is the last thing that anyone wants to do, and I’m hopeful that we will find ways to narrow the budget gap," Gov. David Ige said Tuesday.
Evan Kumasaki2020-05-13T11:29:00-10:00May 13, 2020|Categories: News|Tags: aid, capitol, congress, Corey Rosenlee, coronavirus, COVID-19, federal assistance, Nancy Pelosi, pay cuts, proposal, reductions, representatives, Senate, state aid, trillion|
Hawaii State Teachers Association President Corey Rosenelee said the plan will “ensure the U.S. supports the neediest in our society and will fund a trillion dollars to support state and local governments. If approved, this bill could give Hawaii enough funding to ensure we can avoid pay cuts for state employees, including teachers.”
Evan Kumasaki2020-05-12T12:17:00-10:00May 12, 2020|Categories: News|Tags: capitol, coronavirus, COVID-19, hearings, legislature, live stream, monitor, online, reconvenes, representatives, Senate, session reconvene, SPED, stream, teachers, testimony, watch, web|
More than 450 people — many of them teachers — sent in testimony urging lawmakers to stop any effort to cut state workers’ salaries, which would worsen the teacher shortage crisis as well as the state economy.
Evan Kumasaki2020-05-12T05:23:00-10:00May 12, 2020|Categories: News|Tags: capitol, coronavirus, COVID-19, hearings, legislature, live stream, monitor, online, reconvenes, representatives, Senate, session reconvene, stream, testimony, watch, web|
When the 2020 Legislative session reconvenes Monday, the Hawaii State Capitol will be secured and closed to the general public, but hearings and floor sessions will be broadcast and live-streamed.
Evan Kumasaki2020-02-07T10:28:00-10:00February 7, 2020|Categories: News|Tags: capitol, christina kishimoto, compensation, Department of Education, hawaii state legislature, high cost of living, HSTA, pay, salary adjustment, Senate Committee on Education, shortage differentials, teachers|
The Senate Education Committee Wednesday approved a proposal to appropriate $25 million to continue funding differentials in teacher shortage areas and adjust veteran’s teacher pay higher next school year.
Evan Kumasaki2020-01-30T06:03:00-10:00January 30, 2020|Categories: News|Tags: bill, Board of Education, capitol, Constitutional Amendment, House speaker, legislature, real property tax, Scott Saiki|
House Bill 2671 is a constitutional amendment proposing that the Board of Education have concurrent real property tax authority to fund teacher compensation.