Nominations open for HSTA’s Pono and Friend of Youth awards
The Hawaiʻi State Teachers Association’s Human and Civil Rights Committee is seeking nominations for HSTA’s annual Pono and Friend of Youth awards.
Evan Kumasaki2025-01-07T13:02:40-10:00January 7, 2025|Categories: News|Tags: friend of youth award, HCR, HSTA, human and civil rights committee, nomination, pono award, social justice|
The Hawaiʻi State Teachers Association’s Human and Civil Rights Committee is seeking nominations for HSTA’s annual Pono and Friend of Youth awards.
Evan Kumasaki2024-11-19T10:17:27-10:00November 19, 2024|Categories: News|Tags: award, HSTA, NEA, nomination, S.T.A.C.Y. Award, STACY, teaching excellence|
Each year, a winner is chosen based on their ability to demonstrate leadership, dedication and passion in five categories: scholarship, teaching, advocacy, community, and youth.
Terri Inefuku2023-12-05T13:19:54-10:00December 5, 2023|Categories: News|Tags: board director, chapter, elections, HSTA Elections, NEA RA, NEA Representative Assembly, nomination, office, positions, president, secretary, treasurer, vice president|
The Hawaiʻi State Teachers Association is looking for passionate members to run for elected office and help steer the direction of the union, represent fellow teachers and our voices, and advocate for schools our keiki deserve.
Evan Kumasaki2020-01-17T06:30:00-10:00January 17, 2020|Categories: News|Tags: absentee ballot, election, elections, HSTA, institute day, nomination, timeline, vote, voting|
Every year, the Hawaii State Teachers Association holds elections at the state and chapter levels to fill the following positions: state-level officers and board directors, NEA directors, NEA RA delegates, state convention delegates, chapter officers, and chapter RA members.
Evan Kumasaki2020-01-11T05:24:00-10:00January 11, 2020|Categories: News|Tags: award, HSTA, NEA, nomination, S.T.A.C.Y. Award, STACY, teaching excellence|
Each year, a winner is chosen based on his or her ability to demonstrate leadership, dedication and passion in five categories: scholarship, teaching, advocacy, community, and youth.
Evan Kumasaki2019-11-08T06:28:00-10:00November 8, 2019|Categories: News|Tags: friend of youth award, HCR, HSTA, human and civil rights, NEA, nomination, pono award, social justice, Social Justice Activist Award|
The Hawaii State Teachers Association's Human and Civil Rights Committee is seeking nominations for its Pono and Friend of Youth Awards. Nominations are due Jan. 10, 2020.