Governor tells HSTA he will OK teacher pay funds
While the state budget bill is on the governor’s intent to veto list for line item vetoes, the governor confirmed to HSTA that none of the teacher compensation items will be line-item vetoed.
Terri Inefuku2022-06-28T12:03:53-10:00June 28, 2022|Categories: Negotiations, News|Tags: 21 hours, bargaining, compression, education, gov. david ige, governor, job-embedded professional development, legislature, Negotiations, paycheck, salary compression, shortage differentials, state budget, supplemental bargaining, teacher pay, veto|
While the state budget bill is on the governor’s intent to veto list for line item vetoes, the governor confirmed to HSTA that none of the teacher compensation items will be line-item vetoed.
Terri Inefuku2021-07-15T12:38:14-10:00July 15, 2021|Categories: News|Tags: EUTF, health care, HSTA VB, overcollection, paycheck, plan, premiums|
Roughly 4,200 members who have HSTA VB medical/prescription drug or dental plans will be seeing adjustments in future paychecks due to an error made by the Hawaii Employer-Union Health Benefits Trust Fund.
Evan Kumasaki2020-11-05T15:53:12-10:00September 12, 2020|Categories: News|Tags: contract, dues, HSTA, pay raise, paycheck|
Hawaii public school teachers are scheduled to receive negotiated pay increases this fall. Effective the first day of the second quarter, educators will receive a 3.5 percent across-the-board pay raise, which will show up in their paychecks starting Nov. 5.
Evan Kumasaki2021-05-07T12:10:16-10:00June 18, 2020|Categories: News|Tags: differentials, paycheck, summer|
Starting this Friday, members who began receiving shortage differentials in the spring will see a drop in their summer paychecks. This decrease is a result of the differential only being payable for half of the year, and you have already been paid a large portion of the differential.