HSTA: HIDOE needs to clearly explain school reopening plan
The HSTA Negotiations Team meets for an hour and a half with top HIDOE officials Monday to begin detailed bargaining about reopening schools.
Evan Kumasaki2020-06-20T04:56:00-10:00June 20, 2020|Categories: News|Tags: Andrea Eshelman, capitol, catherine payne, CDC, christina kishimoto, Corey Rosenlee, coronavirus, COVID-19, DOH, Dwight Takeno, educators, health, HIOSH, legislature, Maggie Cox, parents, plans, reopen, reopening, representatives, safety, schools, SPED, survey, teachers, testimony|
The HSTA Negotiations Team meets for an hour and a half with top HIDOE officials Monday to begin detailed bargaining about reopening schools.
Evan Kumasaki2020-11-05T15:41:55-10:00June 6, 2020|Categories: News|Tags: catherine payne, christina kishimoto, Corey Rosenlee, coronavirus, COVID-19, DOE, Dwight Takeno, educators, feedback, guidance, Hawaii, plan, reopen, reopening, schools, testimony|
"This week, the Department of Education released the ‘Guidance for Reopening Schools.’ HSTA was not consulted and did not agree to these policies, even though teachers will be the ones most likely being forced to implement these policies,” HSTA President Corey Rosenlee said. “We have many questions and concerns.”