HSTA releases 2024 general election recommendations
HSTA recommends candidates who are strong supporters of public education, our educators, labor, and are committed to creating a better future for our keiki.
cschubert2024-10-11T09:05:04-10:00September 24, 2024|Categories: News|Tags: candidate, congress, elections, endorsement, Honolulu City Council, House, legislature, primary election, recommendation, Senate, vote|
HSTA recommends candidates who are strong supporters of public education, our educators, labor, and are committed to creating a better future for our keiki.
Terri Inefuku2024-10-30T16:01:25-10:00June 25, 2024|Categories: News|Tags: candidate, congress, elections, endorsement, Honolulu City Council, House, legislature, primary election, recommendation, Senate, vote|
HSTA recommends candidates who are strong supporters of public education, our educators, labor, and are committed to creating a better future for our keiki.
Terri Inefuku2022-11-03T18:06:56-10:00September 30, 2022|Categories: News|Tags: candidate, congress, elections, Honolulu City Council, House, HSTA recommendations, Kauai County, mayor, primary election, Senate|
Recommendations are based on research, membership input, interviews, and discussions to determine which candidates would be the strongest advocates for teachers, students, and public education in policies and legislation.
Terri Inefuku2022-07-19T10:19:49-10:00July 19, 2022|Categories: News|Tags: candidate, congress, elections, Honolulu City Council, House, HSTA recommendations, Kauai County, mayor, primary election, Senate|
Recommendations are based on research, membership input, interviews, and discussions to determine which candidates would be the strongest advocates for teachers, students, and public education in policies and legislation.
Jill Meinecke2022-05-06T02:01:49-10:00May 5, 2022|Categories: News|Tags: 21 hours, compression, differentials, gov. david ige, hawaii state legislature, House, michelle kidani, pre-K, Senate, shortage differentials, Sylvia Luke|
At a press conference on Thursday, Gov. David Ige affirmed his support for additional teacher pay after the state budget, which included $164 million for increasing teacher pay, passed both the House and Senate Tuesday.
Jill Meinecke2022-05-06T11:38:43-10:00May 3, 2022|Categories: News|Tags: 21 hours, compression, contract, Donovan Dela Cruz, funding, gov. david ige, hawaii state legislature, HIDOE, House, lawmakers, Negotiations, Senate, shortage differentials, state budget, Sylvia Luke|
State lawmakers Tuesday approved a state budget that includes more than $164 million to end salary compression for experienced educators, fund shortage differentials, and restore paid job-embedded professional development for all teachers.
Terri Inefuku2022-04-22T16:29:34-10:00April 22, 2022|Categories: News|Tags: Class VII, committee, compression, conference, House, menstruation equity, money, Period poverty, salary, Senate, teacher pay|
Conferees from the House and Senate will have to agree on the final language of the bills before they go to a full floor vote in both houses.
Terri Inefuku2022-03-29T16:00:14-10:00March 29, 2022|Categories: News|Tags: bill, hawaii state legislature, Hawaiian immersion, House, menstrual equality, resolution, salary compression, SB2819, SB2820, SB2821, Senate, shortage differentials, special education, testimony, written testimony|
This Friday, April 1, the state House Finance Committee will hear bills that are important to ensure the state can attract and retain experienced educators and ease the teacher shortage crisis.
Terri Inefuku2022-02-18T13:18:59-10:00February 18, 2022|Categories: News|Tags: legislature, menstrual equity, Period poverty, SB2821, Senate, Senate Bill, Ways and Means Committee|
Lawmakers tasked with overseeing the state’s finances received nearly 200 pages of written testimony in support of Senate Bill 2821 SD1 relating to menstrual equity.
Jill Meinecke2022-01-31T10:29:04-10:00January 28, 2022|Categories: News|Tags: Ilima Intermediate, legislative priorities, legislature, Ma'i Movement, menstrual equity, NEA, Period poverty, Sarah Milianta-Laffin, Sen. Ron Kouchi, Senate, Senate Education Committee|
Hawaii would become the sixth state in the country to provide quality menstrual supplies free of charge to public school students, under Senate Bill 2821, which the state Senate Education Committee unanimously approved Friday.