HSTA members win prizes for political action
The Hawaii State Teachers Association awarded members for taking political action before Hawaii's primary election.
Jill Meinecke2022-08-26T09:29:11-10:00August 26, 2022|Categories: News|Tags: Central Chapter, Corey Rosenlee, general election, Hilo Chapter, Honolulu Chapter, HSTA swag bags, iPad Air, Lanai Chapter, Leeward Chapter, Maui chapter, Molokai Chapter, political action, primary election, sign waving giveaway, sign-waving, Windward Chapter|
The Hawaii State Teachers Association awarded members for taking political action before Hawaii's primary election.
Terri Inefuku2022-07-23T12:48:43-10:00July 22, 2022|Categories: News|Tags: campaign, contest, elections, HSTA recommendations, sign-waving, vote, voting|
From now through Aug. 13, members who attend HSTA-recommended sign-waving events and participate in additional actions to promote voter turnout can enter for a chance to win!
Terri Inefuku2022-07-18T15:08:31-10:00July 18, 2022|Categories: News|Tags: congress, congressional campaign, Jill Tokuda, recommendation, sign-waving|
The Hawaii State Teachers Association is excited to announce our support of Jill Tokuda for Hawaii’s Second Congressional District, which covers suburban and rural Oahu, including the Leeward and Windward coasts and all of Hawaii’s neighbor islands.
Terri Inefuku2022-06-07T16:28:09-10:00June 7, 2022|Categories: News|Tags: candidate, congress, First Congressional District, HSTA recommends, Sergio Alcubilla, sign-waving, support, U.S. Congress|
Sergio Alcubilla believes it is important that we invest in the next generation and prioritize the education of our children and grandchildren. “This begins with supporting our teachers and schools.”
Jill Meinecke2022-07-19T10:22:04-10:00June 1, 2022|Categories: News|Tags: educators, HSTA recommended candidates, labor, public education, sign-waving|
Support HSTA-recommended candidates in your community by attending a sign-waving event! HSTA recommends candidates who are strong supporters of public education, our educators, labor, and are committed to creating a better future for our keiki.
Terri Inefuku2021-10-21T23:27:33-10:00October 21, 2021|Categories: COVID-19, News|Tags: Board of Education, coronavirus, COVID-19, Hawaii Board of Education, Hawaii Labor Relations Board, health and safety, informational picket, interim superintendent, Keith Hayashi, prohibited practice complaint, Safety Our Students Deserve, sign-waving, superintendent|
Dozens of educators and supporters gathered Wednesday to hold an informational picket in front of the Queen Liliuokalani building in downtown Honolulu, where the Hawaii State Department of Education and Board of Education offices are located.
Terri Inefuku2021-10-21T16:28:24-10:00October 16, 2021|Categories: COVID-19, News|Tags: Board of Education, coronavirus, COVID-19, Hawaii Board of Education, health and safety, informational picket, interim superintendent, Keith Hayashi, Safety Our Students Deserve, sign-waving, superintendent|
Join us for sign-waving on Wednesday, Oct. 20, as we send the message to the HIDOE and the BOE that we have a right to bargain for the safety of our schools.
Terri Inefuku2021-09-29T13:45:22-10:00September 29, 2021|Categories: COVID-19, News|Tags: coronavirus, COVID-19, health and safety, informational picket, Safety Our Students Deserve, sign-waving|
“We're here to help our students learn. We are here. We are in the classrooms, and we really want to ensure all classrooms are safe for everyone, including the families and the community,” said Berta Akiu, a special education second- and third-grade teacher at Mokulele Elementary who also serves as HSTA Central Chapter president.
Evan Kumasaki2020-10-21T21:07:00-10:00October 21, 2020|Categories: News|Tags: candidate, county, election, Honolulu City Council, Honolulu mayor, HSTA, recommendation, sign-waving|
Sign-wave for candidates recommended by the Hawaii State Teachers Association! Please join us and show your support while staying safe.