Responding to testimony, BOE overrules superintendent to keep shortage differentials
The Hawaii Board of Education Thursday afternoon voted overwhelmingly to continue paying shortage differentials to public school teachers across the state, directing Schools Superintendent Christina Kishimoto to rescind her memo by the close of business Friday that would have ended the $3,000 to $10,000 payments to teachers in areas faced with chronic vacancies.
HIDOE to continue shortage differentials next school year
Shortage differentials that the Hawaii State Department of Education began in January for special education classroom teachers, Hawaiian language immersion educators and teachers at hard-to-staff schools will continue in school year 2020–21, after the department confirmed the eligibility criteria in a memo published this week.
HSTA: HIDOE needs to clearly explain school reopening plan
The HSTA Negotiations Team meets for an hour and a half with top HIDOE officials Monday to begin detailed bargaining about reopening schools.
As lawmakers reconvene, hundreds testify against pay cuts
More than 450 people — many of them teachers — sent in testimony urging lawmakers to stop any effort to cut state workers’ salaries, which would worsen the teacher shortage crisis as well as the state economy.
URGENT: Testimony needed by Friday for major House hearing on teacher compensation
The House Committee on Labor & Public Employment, along with the Committee on Lower & Higher Education, will hear SB2488, SD2 Relating to teacher compensation on Friday, March 13, at 2 p.m. at the Hawaii State Capitol, Room 309. Written and oral testimony will be accepted.
URGENT: Testimony needed on teacher salary measures by Wednesday
We need testimony from teachers, counselors, and school librarians at DOE and public charter schools in support of SB 2488, Proposed SD1. Please take a few minutes to write and submit testimony!
DOE changes special education funding structure
The HSTA has reviewed the proposed changes to the way some SPED funds are distributed and has asked a number of questions, requested information and given feedback on our concerns with the proposed changes.
BOE approves $14.7 million in shortage differentials to start next month
DOE, BOE leaders commit to a multi-phased approach to help end the teacher shortage crisis.
SpEd teachers say more prep time, pay would help ease special ed teacher shortage
The National Council on Teacher Quality reports at least 35 of the major school districts across the country already offer SpEd teachers a financial bonus of some kind, ranging from $5,000 to $10,000 a year. Hawaii offers no pay differential for SpEd teachers.