Let’s Talk About Child Custody Let’s talk about custody, for both married and unmarried couples. There are two basic forms of custody: legal and physical. Each of these can, in turn, be broken down into sole or joint custody. Not surprisingly, if the parties cannot reach their own agreement on this issue, the court will enter an order awarding custody, and often if left to the court’s discretion, neither party is too happy about the results. Join NEA Attorney Referral Partner, Noah Gibson from Cotes Frey Tanimoto and Gibson as he answers questions such as: • What is custody? • Can the kids decide? • Do we have to go to court? • Who gets custody? • Do courts really favor the mom? • How is child support determined? • Does custody every change? • What about grandparents? Register in advance for this meeting: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEud-GvrjksGNFj4mD14ASSapgUPRSp1Mwj
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