The HSTA VEBA Trust is a non-profit trust offering voluntary plans exclusively for Hawaii State Teachers Association members. Established in 1985 for HSTA members by HSTA members, HSTA VEBA Trust trustees are all active and retired educators. HSTA members can trust they are receiving the best products chosen just for them at incredible group rates. The HSTA VEBA Trust does not receive any commissions, so all the savings are passed on to members. Members can save as much as 60 percent off market rates on health and wellness benefits for themselves and their families.
1259 Aala Street, Suite 202
Honolulu, HI, 96817
(808) 440-6940
HSTA members can enroll in HSTA VEBA Trust plans, except for Critical Illness and Accident Insurance, at any time during the year with evidence of insurability. Please contact HSTA VEBA Trust for enrollment forms.
Guaranteed enrollment opportunities:
- Sign up within the first 60 days of membership, and you are guaranteed coverage for all HSTA VEBA Trust plans without having to fill out medical forms.
- During open enrollment in February, HSTA members can sign up for Critical Illness Insurance and Accident Insurance with no additional medical forms.
There are currently 8,500 HSTA members enrolled in the following HSTA VEBA Trust plans (click to view):
Group Life Insurance ❖ Short-Term Income Protection (Disability Insurance) ❖ Long-Term Income Protection (Disability Insurance) ❖ Critical Illness Insurance ❖ Accident Insurance ❖ Long-Term Care Insurance
Group Life Insurance
Pacific Guardian Life
Ensure your loved ones are taken care of after you are gone. The HSTA VEBA Trust has affordable decreasing term group rates for members. For as low as $1.50 per month, you can get coverage to help protect and provide for your family when you no longer can. There are two types of life insurance plans.
- Basic Life Insurance (for members only)
Basic Plus Life Insurance (for members and dependents, i.e., spouse and/or children)
- Includes Accidental Death and Dismemberment coverage (applies only to Class 1),
- Is good for young single adults, beginning families, and established families who depend on your income, and
- Helps cover loss of income and short-term debts and needs, provides additional protection during child-raising years, and can help pay off a mortgage or pay for a college education.
Short-Term Income Protection Insurance (Disability Insurance)
American Fidelity Assurance Company
Do you have enough sick leave if you could not work due to illness or injury? Consider Short-Term Income Protection Insurance and protect a portion of your income in case you are not able to work temporarily due to illness or injury. This plan can:
- Protect up to 60-percent of your monthly salary, and
- Provide coverage for 90 days or 180 days.
HSTA VEBA Trust also provides a $10 subsidy to reduce your monthly premium.
All members are encouraged to enroll, but especially those who have less than six months of sick leave and/or rely on their paycheck to meet monthly obligations.
Long-Term Income Protection (Disability Insurance)
Hartford Life and Accident Insurance Company
Are you living paycheck to paycheck? Could you survive without a paycheck if you could not work due to illness or injury? This plan offers a safety net in case you become ill or injured and are forced to go without a paycheck for a long time. This plan can:
- Protect up to 50-, 60-, or 66-⅔-percent of your monthly salary, depending on the plan, and
- Provide benefits for 12 to 46 months depending on your age of disability.
- Select either a 6- or 9-month waiting/elimination period before the plan goes into effect.
Critical Illness Insurance
Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
If you have a family history of critical illness, like heart attack, stroke, or cancer, and rely on your paycheck to meet monthly obligations, you should consider Critical Illness Insurance. This plan:
- Provides a lump-sum payment directly to you,
- Offers financial flexibility and can be used for paying additional expenses,
- Compliments, not replaces, your medical and disability income coverage, and
- Receive $100 annually for taking a health screening like cholesterol, mammogram, prostate to name a few preventative measures.
Dependents of HSTA members are also eligible for this coverage.
Accident Insurance
Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
If you suffer an accidental injury, this plan:
- Covers more than 50+ types of injuries, services, and treatments,
- Covers accidents that occur on or off the job,
- Pays you a set benefit amount based on the type of injury and the type of treatment you need,
- Helps with out-of-pocket costs that your medical plan does not cover, like co-pays and deductibles.
HSTA VEBA Trust also provides a $5 subsidy to reduce your monthly premium.
Dependents of HSTA members are also eligible for this coverage .
Long-Term Care Insurance
Unum Life Insurance Company of America
Long-term care is not just for the elderly. This plan covers care that you may need if you cannot independently perform basic activities of daily living due to an accident or serious illness. Take advantage of our low group rate and extend the rate to your spouse or family members.
- Upon initial enrollment, you have 60 days to apply for additional coverage.
- You are guaranteed issue during the first 60 days of membership, which means you do not have to fill out the Evidence of Insurability Form or be approved by underwriters for additional coverage.
- The younger you enroll, the more affordable the rates.
The HSTA VEBA Trust subsidizes the complete base plan premium automatically when you enroll in any other HSTA VEBA Trust plan.
Learn more about this plan at .
Contact the HSTA VEBA Trust
If you are interested in any of these insurance plans, please contact HSTA VEBA Trust for more information.
Become an HSTA VEBA Trust participant by enrolling in a plan, and receive a free HSTA VEBA Trust calendar/planner!
1259 Aala Street, Suite 202
Honolulu, HI, 96817
(808) 440-6940