If you are an active HSTA member who is planning to retire, be sure to join HSTA-Retired and NEA-Retired!

Your benefits of belonging

As a joint HSTA-Retired and NEA-Retired member, you will be able to:

  • Attend retiree meetings throughout the state to learn about important issues.
  • Receive newsletters on a regular basis to keep you informed.
  • Enroll in any benefits and discounts offered by HSTA-Retired and NEA-Retired.
  • Continue all benefits you had as an active member, including long-term care insurance and life insurance.
  • Continue all the numerous benefits through HSTA member discounts and the multiple benefits and programs of NEA-Retired.
  • Maintain your liability insurance should you substitute teach after retiring.

About HSTA-Retired and NEA-Retired

By joining HSTA-Retired, you will add your voice to a growing association of more than 6,100 retired teachers who advocate at the state Legislature to retain and improve retirement and health benefits. You can also join the ranks of NEA-Retired, a strong voice for retirees at the national level with more than 300,000 members working to protect and maintain your Social Security benefits and strengthen Medicare.

HSTA-Retired is a volunteer, member-centered organization supported by membership dues and grants from NEA-Retired. Members work to provide fellowship, networking opportunities, community service, and camaraderie. They also conduct pre-retirement seminars to help active members prepare for retirement, and plan social events to keep members informed and build new friendships.


A one-time fee of $300 provides a life membership in NEA-Retired and eliminates fee increases for the rest of your life. You can join now, even if you’re still working!

If you are a lifetime member of NEA-Retired, HSTA-Retired annual dues will be $48 that includes $1 for HSTA affiliate membership. If you are not a lifetime member of NEA-Retired, your annual dues are $35.04 for NEA-Retired and $48 for HSTA-Retired ($83.04 total). Dues are collected through a deduction from your monthly pension check, either $6.92 for dual membership, or $4 for NEA Lifetime Subscribers.

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