Leeward Chapter Executive Board (EB) Meeting
In-person meeting. QUESTIONS? Contact Leeward Chapter President, Sarah Milianta-Laffin at s.milianta@gmail.com
A Calderon2023-12-21T07:45:31-10:00October 9, 2023|Categories: HSTA Master, HSTA Oahu|Tags: EB, Leeward|
In-person meeting. QUESTIONS? Contact Leeward Chapter President, Sarah Milianta-Laffin at s.milianta@gmail.com
A Calderon2023-10-09T11:25:53-10:00October 9, 2023|Categories: HSTA Master, HSTA Oahu|Tags: EB, Leeward|
Virtual meeting. QUESTIONS? Contact Leeward Chapter President, Sarah Milianta-Laffin at s.milianta@gmail.com
A Calderon2023-10-09T11:24:19-10:00October 9, 2023|Categories: HSTA Master, HSTA Oahu|Tags: EB, Leeward|
In-person meeting. QUESTIONS? Contact Leeward Chapter President, Sarah Milianta-Laffin at s.milianta@gmail.com
A Calderon2023-06-14T11:30:14-10:00June 14, 2023|Categories: HSTA Master, HSTA Oahu|Tags: EB, Windward|
In person meeting at the HSTA office. For questions, contact Windward Chapter President, Jodi Beaty at jodihsta@gmail.com
A Calderon2023-06-14T11:21:22-10:00June 14, 2023|Categories: HSTA Master, HSTA Oahu|Tags: EB, Windward|
Virtual meeting via ZOOM. For questions, contact Windward Chapter President, Jodi Beaty at jodihsta@gmail.com
A Calderon2023-06-14T11:00:24-10:00June 14, 2023|Categories: HSTA Master, HSTA Oahu|Tags: EB, Windward|
Virtual meeting via ZOOM. For questions, contact Windward Chapter President, Jodi Beaty at jodihsta@gmail.com
A Calderon2023-06-14T10:37:01-10:00June 14, 2023|Categories: HSTA Master, HSTA Oahu|Tags: EB, Windward|
Virtual meeting via ZOOM. For questions, contact Windward Chapter President, Jodi Beaty at jodihsta@gmail.com
A Calderon2023-06-14T10:25:47-10:00June 14, 2023|Categories: HSTA Master, HSTA Oahu|Tags: EB, Windward|
In person meeting. Location to be announced. For questions, contact Windward Chapter President, Jodi Beaty at jodihsta@gmail.com
Evan Kumasaki2020-11-18T10:12:34-10:00November 18, 2020|Categories: HSTA Master, HSTA Oahu|Tags: EB, Leeward, Leeward Chapter|
EB 3:30 – 5:30 pm
Evan Kumasaki2020-11-18T10:12:34-10:00November 18, 2020|Categories: HSTA Master, HSTA Oahu|Tags: EB, Leeward, Leeward Chapter|
EB 3:30 – 5:30 pm