Represent your chapter and work with fellow educators across Hawaiʻi
Posted: December 21, 2023
If you want to help shape public education in Hawaiʻi and our union, run to become an HSTA state convention delegate!
Then on Saturday, April 13, 2024, join hundreds of fellow members from across the state to push for better working and learning conditions for our teachers and students.
“In my 28 years of teaching, I have attended convention 26 times,” said HSTA Honolulu Chapter President Shannon Garan. “For me, one of the best things about attending convention was making new friends and maintaining those friendships throughout the years.
“Being a part of the convention is a great way to get your voice heard and influence the direction of our union,” Garan said. “We meet members from other neighborhoods and islands going through the same issues, and together, we can find solutions.”
The 2024 HSTA Convention takes place Saturday, April 13, at the Hawai’i Convention Center on Oʻahu. As a delegate, you’ll vote on amendments to HSTA’s Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation, as well as any proposed new business items and resolutions.
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