2024 state, chapter elections to take place Feb. 5–23 by electronic ballot
Updated: December, 5 2023
The Hawaiʻi State Teachers Association is looking for passionate members to run for elected office and help steer the direction of the union, represent fellow teachers and our voices, and advocate for schools our keiki deserve.
Here are four reasons to run:
- Advocacy: Getting involved in the union helps our profession, our students, and each other.
- Knowledge: Find out how our union works and how you can spark change.
- Connection: Realize that you’re never on your own with HSTA’s support network.
- Leadership: Connect with high-profile leaders and be in the room where decisions are made.
In this video, HSTA Elections Committee State Chair Kari Handley explains the fun perks behind elected HSTA office.
HSTA election timelines, positions
Your union brothers and sisters are counting on your voice to help shape an educational system all teachers and keiki deserve! Nomination periods will vary per chapter/election, but voting for all races will take place electronically Feb. 5–23, 2024.
State election
Position: Fifteen NEA Representative Assembly state delegates and alternates
Duties: Elected delegates will travel to the National Education Association’s annual Representative Assembly over the summer to establish NEA policies and objectives, elect the NEA officers, adopt the NEA budget and more.
Position: President, Vice President, Secretary-Treasurer, NEA Director, and NEA Alternate Director
Duties: List of duties, along with the candidate packets may be requested from the HSTA Governance department beginning Nov. 1, 2023
Nominations: Nov. 1-Dec. 13, 2023. Nominations must be received by 5 p.m. at HSTA’s main office.
Nominations can be sent via U.S. mail (received, not postmarked, by the deadline), faxed to (808) 839-7106, or emailed to HSTA Governance Specialist Hayley Hisaka at hhisaka@hsta.org. If you submit your nomination via email and do not receive a confirmation, please call HSTA’s main office at (808) 833-2711 and ask to speak to the Governance Department.
*This page is password protected; you must be an active HSTA member and logged in with your registered account to view it. Need to create an account? Click here for instructions.
Chapter elections
Position: HSTA State Convention delegate
Duties: Attend HSTA’s Convention, or official annual membership meeting, on Saturday, April 13, 2024, to take part in enacting union policies, submitting amendments, and ratifying the elections for the HSTA Board of Directors.
Position: NEA Representative Assembly chapter delegate
Duties: Elected delegates will travel to the National Education Association’s annual Representative Assembly over the summer to establish NEA policies and objectives, elect the NEA officers, adopt the NEA budget and more.
Position: Open offices vary by chapter. Check your chapter’s nomination packet* for details.
Duties: Read the duties of chapter president, vice president, treasurer, secretary and Board Director here.
Timeline: Nomination periods vary by chapter and take place between Jan. 23–26. Nominations close 30 minutes after the start of your chapter’s nominations meeting. Check your chapter’s nomination packet* for details.
*This page is password protected; you must be an active HSTA member and logged in with your registered account to view it. Need to create an account? Click here for instructions.
Diversity in NEA Bylaw 3-1(g)
NEA Bylaw 3-1(g) addresses the allocation of delegates at its annual Representative Assembly: “It is the policy of the Association to achieve ethnic-minority delegate representation at least equal to the proportion of identified ethnic-minority populations within the state.”
This bylaw reflects a commitment made in 1966, when the NEA, then a national organization of predominantly white educators, and the American Teachers Association, made up of Black educators, voted to merge, elevating a longstanding tradition of continued advocacy for minority populations.
In 2021, HSTA leaders and staff came together to reformulate the union’s implementation plan to meet this goal, along with its approach to member engagement and leadership development.