Changes include optional indoor, outdoor masking, no quarantine for in-school exposures
Posted: July 29, 2022
The Hawaii State Teachers Association continues to work to ensure that our members’ health and safety remain a priority, our contract and employment rights are preserved, and information is being communicated in an accurate and timely manner.
On July 26, 2022, the Hawaii State Department of Education updated its health and safety guidance for schools for the 2022–23 school year. The most significant changes from the previous school year include:
- Indoor and outdoor masking is optional for students and employees.
- Indoor masking is strongly encouraged when the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) determines community levels are medium or high.
- Quarantine is not required for in-school exposures, but indoor masking is strongly recommended for 10 days following an exposure.
- Isolation requirements remain for anyone who tests positive for COVID or has COVID-like symptoms.
- Mitigation strategies remain flexible to adapt to a cluster or outbreak.
In light of these changes and as we enter a new school year, HSTA has updated its frequently asked questions so members have accurate, timely information related to health and safety, the contract, and employment rights.
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