It’s not enough to just say the words. We must act on them.
Posted: June 1, 2020
The Hawaii State Teachers Association condemns any and all acts against Black communities and communities of color.
The deaths of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, and Breonna Taylor reflect just a fraction of unacceptable violations rooted in a deep history of systemic racism, oppression, and violence. We cannot allow this to continue.
But it’s not enough to just say the words. We must act on them.
While we cannot heal or eradicate centuries of inequity and dehumanization, we must try.
As teachers, we have a responsibility to educate our keiki and our communities on issues of racial and social justice. We must know better. We must be better. We must do more.
On Monday, June 1, Education Minnesota and other unions in Minnesota request that supporters wear black in Floyd’s honor and post their photos to social media. HSTA members are encouraged to participate.
Meanwhile, our Human and Civil Rights Committee has been working behind the scenes to develop anti-racist and anti-oppressive practices to foster inclusive schools and communities. In the coming weeks, we will initiate public conversations to accelerate and expand this critical work. If you have suggestions or input, please share them with us here.
We must lift those who are suffering, amplify our collective voice, and initiate change.
And together, we will.

HSTA Human and Civil Rights Committee: (Top) Sarah Tochiki, Kauai; Karina Hernandez, Kona; Jodi Kunimitsu, state chair, Maui; (2nd) Kaleo Ramos, Honolulu; Dana Gorelangton Turnbull, Maui; Elizabeth Sharrock, Hilo; (3rd) Roy Hannu, Central; Emilio Macalalad, Molokai; Melissa Turner, Hamakua; (4th) Alika Masei, Leeward; Luz LaRotta, Lanai; Kit Brizuela, Windward.