Nominations open for HSTA’s Pono and Friend of Youth awards
The Hawaiʻi State Teachers Association’s Human and Civil Rights Committee is seeking nominations for HSTA’s annual Pono and Friend of Youth awards.
Evan Kumasaki2025-01-07T13:02:40-10:00January 7, 2025|Categories: News|Tags: friend of youth award, HCR, HSTA, human and civil rights committee, nomination, pono award, social justice|
The Hawaiʻi State Teachers Association’s Human and Civil Rights Committee is seeking nominations for HSTA’s annual Pono and Friend of Youth awards.
Evan Kumasaki2024-12-16T11:03:33-10:00December 16, 2024|Categories: News|Tags: collective bargaining agreement, contract, EUTF, HSTA, hsta veba trust, new educator, new hire, orientation, SHiNE, Supporting Hawaii's New Educators|
The Hawaiʻi State Teachers Association is providing a statewide opportunity for new and potential members to get important information and ask questions.
Evan Kumasaki2024-11-19T10:17:27-10:00November 19, 2024|Categories: News|Tags: award, HSTA, NEA, nomination, S.T.A.C.Y. Award, STACY, teaching excellence|
Each year, a winner is chosen based on their ability to demonstrate leadership, dedication and passion in five categories: scholarship, teaching, advocacy, community, and youth.
cschubert2024-11-01T16:54:33-10:00November 1, 2024|Categories: News|Tags: 2024, bargaining, demands, HSTA, new, professional development|
This year, Hawaiʻi voters have an opportunity to strengthen our state’s long legacy of protecting equal rights.
cschubert2024-09-30T15:50:43-10:00September 24, 2024|Categories: HSTA Oahu|Tags: 2024, honolulu pride parade, HSTA|
The Hawaiʻi State Teachers Association is proud to participate in the 2024 Honolulu Pride Parade on Saturday, Oct. 19. The parade begins at 4 p.m. at Ala Moana Regional Park, proceeds down Ala Moana Boulevard and Kalākaua Avenue, and ends at Kapiʻolani Park. HSTA members must RSVP to be eligible for limited-edition rainbow T-shirts, swag, bentos, and drinks. Learn more about the event at 3:15 p.m. Check in (look for HSTA signs) 3:45 p.m. Group photo 4 p.m. Parade begins Sign up here
cschubert2024-09-19T20:50:43-10:00September 18, 2024|Categories: News|Tags: delay, grievance, HIDOE, HSTA, paycheck, paychecks, settles|
The Hawaiʻi State Department of Education has agreed to conduct an audit and pay 500 teachers hundreds of dollars each for the financial harm they suffered because of paycheck delays, settling a grievance brought by the Hawaiʻi State Teachers Association.
cschubert2024-09-20T12:26:58-10:00September 18, 2024|Categories: News|Tags: HSTA, HSTA logo, logo redesign, new logo, strategic goals|
The Hawaiʻi State Teachers Association unveiled a vibrant new logo this week, replacing the current 30-year-old design.
cschubert2024-09-18T13:35:00-10:00September 18, 2024|Categories: News|Tags: Director, HSTA, new hire, Stacey Chang, UD, Uniserv|
Stacey Chang began working at the Hawaiʻi State Teachers Association this week as a UniServ Director representing educators in the Pearl City, Waipahu and Campbell complexes of HSTA’s Leeward Chapter. Before that, she spent 33 years as a public school teacher, 31 of them at Mauka Lani Elementary in Kapolei, the last eight years as an academic coach.
Evan Kumasaki2024-11-19T16:14:35-10:00August 14, 2024|Categories: News|Tags: financial education, HSTA, NEA Member Benefits, NEA Retirement Specialist, retirement|
Are you thinking about retirement? Do you have questions about how it works and, more importantly, will you have enough money to retire? Our resource page and workshop sessions will help you prepare.
Terri Inefuku2024-08-09T12:26:19-10:00August 9, 2024|Categories: News|Tags: advocacy, Honolulu Chapter, HSTA, Jorge Ochoa, Leeward Chapter, UniServ director|
Meet Jorge Ochoa, a Hawaiʻi State Teachers Association UniServ director with a focus on advocacy for the union’s Honolulu and Leeward chapters. His first day was Aug. 1.