Posted: May 6, 2021
National Board Certification was designed to develop, retain, and recognize accomplished teachers and generate ongoing improvement in schools nationwide. It is the most respected professional certification available in K–12 education.
The Hawaii State Teachers Association, in collaboration with Kamehameha Schools’ Hoʻolaukoa Educational Systems and Strategies, offers NEA Jump Start as a way to support candidates as they navigate their way through this complex process.
Why should I consider National Board Certification?
NBCTs receive a $5,000 bonus and an additional $5,000 if their school meets the criteria outlined below in the Hawaii Revised Statutes:
§302A-706 Teacher national board certification incentive program.
(a) There is established within the department the teacher national board certification incentive program to recognize and support exemplary teaching practice by supporting public school teachers who have achieved national board certification under the certification program of the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards. The teacher national board certification incentive program shall provide:
(1) A $5,000 bonus per year for each public school teacher who maintains current national board certification;
(2) $1,500 upon completing all components of the certification program of the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards;
(3) A reimbursement of the remainder of the national board certification application fee upon achievement of national board certification; and
(4) An additional $5,000 bonus per year for each public school teacher who maintains current national board certification and who teaches at:
(A) A school in a focus, priority, or superintendent’s zone, or other similar designation [currently CSI or TSI schools], as determined by the department;
(B) A school with a high turnover rate, as determined by the department; or
(C) A hard-to-fill school, as determined by the department.
(b) The incentive program shall include a mentoring component that encourages and enables national board-certified teachers to assist other teachers and share their teaching expertise.
Here’s how we stack up against other states.
Why should I attend an HSTA NEA Jump Start seminar?
The first step toward successful National Board Certification is understanding the requirements and planning how to integrate them into your upcoming school year. Jump Start seminars are designed to help candidates understand and be successful by providing important information about the certification process, time to examine the component requirements, the opportunity to plan how to meet requirements, and time to draft and receive feedback on ideas for components-all in a supportive, constructive, and collegial environment. As a member-exclusive benefit, our team can support you on your NBCT journey, as well as the renewal process.
How much does it cost?
The cost for this seminar is $150 for HSTA members and Kamehameha Schools teachers, and $800 for non-members.
How do I register?
To register, click on the link for the course that fits your classification:
After you have registered and paid, please fill out this online form. Registration will close when course meets capacity or seven days prior to start date.
What are the dates and locations for these seminars?
Summer Jump Start sessions will be virtual and run June 14–25.
Live instruction sessions will be held on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Participants will be able to choose if they want to attend the morning or afternoon sessions for the two weeks.
Office hours sessions will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays. These are open times to work with one of the instructors to ask questions and prepare for the next session.
I have questions. Who can I contact?
HSTA members and Kamehameha School teachers with questions about the program can email Lisa Espiritu at
Non-HSTA members can contact Lisa Espiritu or Tracey Idica at
Questions about payment should be emailed to