Please stay safe and do not report to campus
Posted: December 5, 2021
If you have not been notified, Hawaiʻi State Department of Education schools on Maui, Lānaʻi, and Molokaʻi are closed tomorrow (Monday, Dec. 6) due to severe weather. Bargaining Unit 05 employees should not report to campus per our contract.
G. When students are sent home from school or are not required to attend due to emergencies which endanger health or safety, teachers will not be required to remain at, nor report to, said schools.
The HIDOE will evaluate conditions tomorrow and determine if schools can safely resume operations Tuesday. Check the HIDOE’s Twitter account for the latest updates.
Charter school employees, check with your administrators to determine whether your school has also been closed.
Please keep safe and keep those who may suffer any damages during this time in your thoughts.