State plans to revise school reopening thresholds, skewing toward more stringent federal guidelines

2020-11-05T15:57:07-10:00October 10, 2020|Categories: News|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |

After the Hawaii State Department of Health’s school reopening metrics came under intense criticism because, among other things, they were as much as 10 times less stringent than federal metrics, the state epidemiologist told state senators Friday that her department is “looking at coming up with a revised draft of the thresholds.” 

HSTA raises concerns that state reopening guidelines are much more lax than federal standards

2020-10-01T11:03:00-10:00October 1, 2020|Categories: News|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

A day before the Hawaii Board of Education holds a special meeting on several key items including school reopening guidelines and telework for educators during the pandemic, the Hawaii State Teachers Association raised serious concerns that the state Department of Health’s new guidelines for the safe opening of schools are unsafe and much less stringent than federal guidelines.

BOE chair recommends suspending in-person learning until directives met

2020-09-26T11:52:00-10:00September 26, 2020|Categories: News|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |

The Board of Education will hold a special meeting next week during which it will vote on a proposal to temporarily suspend changes to in-person or hybrid learning at schools, set up clearer reopening guidelines, and consider a measure making it easier for public school teachers to be granted telework options during the pandemic.

HSTA members speak out to BOE on telework, SPED concerns, more

2020-09-18T13:00:00-10:00September 18, 2020|Categories: News|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

At Thursday’s BOE meeting, Rosenlee testified about HSTA members’ concerns and said, “The lack of action and transparency from the DOE has put the lives and health of teachers, staff, and our students in jeopardy. This was clearly evident today when the Department of Education and the Department of Health announced metrics for reopening schools. HSTA was never consulted in the creation of these metrics.”

Sister, daughter of school clerk who died of COVID-19 make case for telework

2020-11-05T15:53:03-10:00September 18, 2020|Categories: News|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |

Angie Choi, a school counselor at Dole Middle School, submitted testimony to the Board of Education Wednesday asking them on behalf of her late sister to assure that educators can telework during the pandemic.

HSTA submits testimony on behalf of nearly 200 educators who fear retaliation

2020-09-17T15:59:00-10:00September 17, 2020|Categories: News|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

In written testimony ahead of the BOE’s general meeting Thursday afternoon, members cited flawed Hawaii State Department of Education (HIDOE) policies and procedures in response to COVID-19.

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