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Updates relating to our union, our profession, and public education in Hawaii

Latest Stories2022-11-22T11:27:03-10:00

Almost all weighted student formula, special education funding restored for next school year

Most of the millions of dollars worth of sweeping job cuts and program reductions planned for public schools next fall will be restored, Hawaii State Department of Education officials informed the Board of Education Thursday. Board members also made shortage differential funding a priority for next school year and did not approve using federal stimulus funds to hire outside tutors.

February 18, 2021|COVID-19, News|

Responding to testimony, BOE overrules superintendent to keep shortage differentials

The Hawaii Board of Education Thursday afternoon voted overwhelmingly to continue paying shortage differentials to public school teachers across the state, directing Schools Superintendent Christina Kishimoto to rescind her memo by the close of business Friday that would have ended the $3,000 to $10,000 payments to teachers in areas faced with chronic vacancies.

February 18, 2021|COVID-19, News|

Lawmakers direct HIDOE to use federal aid to preserve school jobs, avoid pay cuts

The schools superintendent faces increasing pressure from state lawmakers to rescind budget cuts and direct federal stimulus aid to keep school employees on the payroll and maintain their current levels of pay instead of implementing pay cuts, layoffs, or hiring tutors.

February 17, 2021|COVID-19, News|

Submit testimony to BOE by Wednesday to restore school-level budgets, positions, salaries

Join us in asking the Board of Education to prioritize restoring all cuts to the weighted student formula (WSF) and special education per-pupil allocation (SPPA), which would eliminate the need for layoffs of any HIDOE employees, including all teachers. HSTA will further ask HIDOE to follow the law by using federal stimulus funding to avoid future pay cuts.

February 14, 2021|News|

Lawmakers’ bills direct HIDOE to avoid layoffs instead of hiring tutors

State Senate and House leaders have introduced bills that direct the Hawaii Department of Education to use millions in federal stimulus funding to preserve educators’ jobs, contrary to a HIDOE plan to use nearly one-third of stimulus funds bound for the education department to hire outside tutors.

February 12, 2021|News|
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