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Updates relating to our union, our profession, and public education in Hawaii

Latest Stories2022-11-22T11:27:03-10:00

Stimulus bills prohibit state from reducing public education budgets

Congress prohibited budget cuts to public education in Hawaii in its multibillion-dollar pandemic stimulus bills, making illegal the governor and school superintendent’s plans to slash millions from public school budgets next year and lay off more than 1,000 school employees, the Hawaii State Teachers Associated revealed at a news conference Tuesday.

January 20, 2021|News|

Testimony: Federal stimulus law prohibits cuts to public education

The Hawaii State Teachers Association strongly urges the Hawaii State Board of Education to delay approving the Hawaii State Department of Education’s stimulus funds plan. If passed, the HIDOE plan will violate recently passed federal law, Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 (H.R. 133), hurt relations with the state Legislature, and cause long-term, lasting damage to Hawaii’s keiki and their teachers.

January 20, 2021|News|

Submit testimony to BOE to stop budget, position cuts, and private tutoring

We want to inform board members not only about the impacts budget reductions and proposed position cuts will have on our teachers and students, but that federal funds should not be used to hire private tutors while the state may fire more than 1,000 qualified teachers and other public school staff.

January 18, 2021|News|

HIDOE details millions in potential cuts for next school year

For the first time Friday, the Hawaii State Department of Education released school-by-school effects of hundreds of millions of dollars worth of budget reductions the governor has directed public schools to endure next school year, resulting in a range of 1,000 to 1,500 job losses, at least half which would affect teachers. 

January 16, 2021|News|

Register for HSTA’s members-only webinar on assignment, transfer, and staff reduction

On Monday, Jan. 18, at 4 p.m., HSTA will host a “Know Your Rights” webinar to provide essential information regarding your rights and the processes and procedures connected with assignments and transfers for school year 21–22, and what happens if there is a reduction in the number of teacher positions at your school or worksite.

January 12, 2021|News|
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