Please join us in submitting testimony to the Hawaii State Board of Education ahead of its meetings on Thursday, Jan. 21. We want to inform board members not only about the impacts budget reductions and proposed position cuts will have on our teachers and students, but that federal funds should not be used to hire private tutors while the state may fire more than 1,000 qualified teachers and other public school staff.
In Friday’s Member Matters email newsletter, we shared the Hawaii State Department of Education’s detailed breakdown by school of exactly how many of each position will be cut under the budget restrictions. This would result in a range of 1,000 to 1,500 job losses, at least half which would affect teachers.
The HIDOE also released a plan explaining how it proposes to use $183.6 million in federal funds from the most recent COVID-19 federal relief package and approved by Congress and President Donald Trump at the end of last year.
The department wants to spend 29% of the federal aid funds ($53 million) on English and math tutoring “beyond classroom instruction and to accelerate learning and minimize learning loss,” according to HIDOE budget documents.
Please submit testimony against these proposals
Share your personal stories about how you, your school, and your students will be affected by potential budget and position cuts, along with the HIDOE's proposal to use a large share of the latest federal stimulus funds on private tutors instead of restoring funding for schools so they can retain teachers.
Feel free to use the following prompts as you draft your testimony:
- The HIDOE is proposing using stimulus money to hire private tutors for students instead of saving qualified teacher positions. This money should be returned to schools via the weighted student formula and special education funding, not private tutors.
- Why is it important to use these funds to retain our qualified teachers, instead of using these funds for private tutoring?
- How will these budget cuts and loss of positions affect you personally, or someone you know (without mentioning their name)?
- Do you know fellow teachers whose positions are being cut? How will these losses affect your students?
- Will your class sizes be larger? How large are they now? Will you be forced to teach multiple grades?
- Will you lose SPED teacher and educational assistant positions that are badly needed? How will this affect your school’s ability to meet IEP goals for your students?
- What subjects will your school have to cut (e.g., art, physical education, STEM, AVID, AP courses)? How will the loss of these subjects affect your students?
- Is another member in your family already out of work or dealing with reduced work hours because of the pandemic? Is your family surviving on your one income? Will this cause your family to have no income or leave the islands?
If you are comfortable sharing your name, school, and testimony publicly, please email by Wednesday, Jan. 20, at 11 a.m.
Include the word “Testimony” in the subject line and, at the top of the email, explain that you are testifying on Finance and Infrastructure Committee recommendation for meeting action item IV.A: Committee Action on Department of Education's plan for use of federal funds in the new COVID-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill.
We can help you remain anonymous
All testimony submitted to the BOE becomes public record and is posted on the board’s website. This may include your full name and the email address you used to send in your testimony. If you want to share your story while remaining anonymous, please use this form and we will submit testimony on your behalf.
Please note in the form if you are comfortable with a fellow HSTA member or HSTA staff member sharing portions of your testimony at the board meeting while keeping your identity and school or worksite confidential.
Submit anonymous testimony as soon as possible
Keep track of what happens Thursday
The BOE will discuss and vote on these cuts on Thursday, Jan. 21, as scheduled:
- 9:30 a.m. Human Resource Committee
- 11 a.m. Finance and Infrastructure Committee
- 1:30 p.m. General Business Meeting
Click on each meeting to view the agenda, meeting materials, and instructions to join virtually. HSTA will also live stream all three meetings on our Facebook page and YouTube channel. We will also issue a comprehensive summary of Thursday’s developments.
Mahalo for all your hard work and dedication. We will never stop fighting for you and for the quality public education our keiki deserve.