Speak out about EES using survey link from HIDOE between March 20–31
Posted: March 9, 2023
The Educator Effectiveness System (EES) Joint Committee between the Hawaiʻi State Teachers Association (HSTA) and the Hawaiʻi State Department of Education seeks your feedback on the educator evaluation system. The goal of this jointly prepared survey is to identify what’s working and improve evaluation components and the overall system design as needed.
Based on the design values within EES, this collaborative work continues to create a system to support our teachers to refine and improve their teacher practice.
Your feedback is very important in this survey and we’d like to encourage head faculty representatives to work together with administrators to carve out some dedicated time to participate in completing it during the work week.
Lahainaluna High teacher Ashley Olson, who’s served as an HSTA representative on the EES Joint Committee since 2017, said, “This is the first time HSTA and the employer have conducted a joint survey. It’s been six years since HSTA conducted our own EES survey, and we encourage our members to speak up with specific feedback about ways to improve the entire process that has evolved over time.
“Your HSTA representatives will use your comments and ideas to advocate for a better evaluation system. The more teachers who respond, the stronger our data points are,” said Olson, who is an English language learner coordinator and teacher on the island of Maui.
HIDOE sent a survey link to all educators on Monday, March 20, via their work emails and the survey will remain available until Friday, March 31. Once the survey closes, all data will be compiled, reviewed by the EES Joint Committee, and potential recommendations will be formulated for review and approval by State Superintendent Keith Hayashi.