HSTA Pau Hana Live! with Pomaikai Keawe Lyman
Join us for the second installment of HSTA’s Pau Hana Live!, a series of free virtual events for educators and the community. This week, we welcome Pōmaikaʻi Keawe Lyman and ʻohana.
Evan Kumasaki2020-11-05T15:58:11-10:00October 8, 2020|Categories: News|Tags: genoa keawe"/>, hoku zuttermeister, HSTA, kama hopkins, kamalia hopkins, malie lyman, music, pau hana live, pomaikai keawe lyman|
Join us for the second installment of HSTA’s Pau Hana Live!, a series of free virtual events for educators and the community. This week, we welcome Pōmaikaʻi Keawe Lyman and ʻohana.
Evan Kumasaki2020-11-05T15:52:24-10:00September 29, 2020|Categories: News|Tags: concert, Elias Gonzales, HSTA, Jonah Cummings, kauai kollab, music, pau hana, Sunia Vaitai, thevaitais|
Our premiere event takes place this Friday, Oct. 2, at 5 p.m., and features performances by two bands with teachers and school employees among their ranks.
Evan Kumasaki2019-11-19T05:17:00-10:00November 19, 2019|Categories: News|Tags: arts, award, band, band director, Chiefess Kamakahelei Middle, HSTA, Kauai, Kauai Community College, leadership, music, Sarah Tochiki, women, YWCA|
Chiefess Kamahakelei Middle band director Sarah Tochiki was honored alongside former Kauai County mayor and councilwoman JoAnn Yukimura and Waipa Foundation Executive Director Stacy Sproat-Beck.