HSTA informational picketing FAQs
For our purposes, informational picketing is meant to raise awareness for families and the community about issues taking place on many of our campuses where safety protocols are not being followed.
kkerr@hsta.org2021-10-22T13:42:04-10:00October 22, 2021|Categories: COVID-19, News|Tags: DOE, health and safety, HIDOE, HSTA, picketing, pickets, principals, safe., students, teachers|
For our purposes, informational picketing is meant to raise awareness for families and the community about issues taking place on many of our campuses where safety protocols are not being followed.
kkerr@hsta.org2021-09-24T20:29:27-10:00September 24, 2021|Categories: COVID-19, News|Tags: Aaron Kubo, East Hawaii, educators, Edwin Kagawa, Hilo, Hilo Chapter, HSTA, informational picket, Osa Tui, pickets, safety, teachers union|
Teachers from all around East Hawaii conducted informational picketing late Friday afternoon outside the State Office Building in Hilo, raising concerns about a lack of uniform health protocols in public schools.